Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Divine Conspiracy reading plan

The Divine Conspiracy is a pretty accessible read. It's not highly technical, but there are a lot of ideas and insights packed into it. I suggest that you not try to read huge chunks in one sitting, but that you pace yourself, giving yourself time to read a half-chapter or chapter and then reflect on what you've read before going on to the next. Reflection is important because we're not trying to master content, per se, as much as consider the questions and insights that Willard's interpretation raises for us.

Here's the reading plan:

Session 1 -- Feb. 9 -- Chapters 1 and 2
Session 2 -- Feb. 23 -- Chapters 3 and 4
Session 3 -- March 9 -- Chapter 5
Session 4 -- March 23 -- Chapter 6 and 7 (to page 253)
Session 5 -- April 6 -- end of Chapter 7 and 8
Session 6 -- April 27 -- Chapters 9 and 10

As you are reading, consider what parts of the book you respond to. Ask: What did I read that raised questions? What did I read that excited or intrigued me? What do I agree or disagree with? What is an open question? Bring these thoughts to each session to help shape the discussion.


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